The 5 most common mistakes in an office environment
Many people who work in an office environment may not realize how crucial the design is for their overall well -being at work. Consider how much time you spend per week in the office. These hours rise and are only more difficult by poor office layout, which can have a negative effect on employee satisfaction and productivity. To say so: you would not ignore the design, function, space or layout of your house, so why would you do it for your office?
The area where you work must make it easier for you to do your work - not more difficult. You must be able to easily navigate through the office, be able to effectively communicate and collaborate with others and feel happy at work. However, there are common errors in designing offices that lead to frustrated employees, non-connected managers and an overall reduced business productivity.

Consequences of a bad office design
Although many companies may love the idea of close cooperation spaces, the harmful impact of COVID-19 has led to a change in the office current for better health and safety. Now companies can feel the urge to create changes in the workplace for more space between agencies and develop an open design that fits their needs. This change is favorable in many ways, since some traditional office layouts lead to more consequences than disease due to the air.
For example, a bad office design is certainly not as functional or visually attractive as a deliberate, organized arrangement. Moreover, poor design of the workplace can lead to other negative aspects that impede progress, communication and productivity.
Disease distribution: For the health and safety of everyone in the company, it may be necessary to change the classification into terms of proximity to prevent the spread of germs. A poor office design with employees cropped on each other can lead to the spread of diseases or cause health problems related to stress. A healthier office design can include social distance cabins that offer a safe distance between colleagues and staff during the day. It would also include more space between workstations during cooperation or an open concept that ensures a better air flow.
Increasing errors: Some of the worst office designs are unorganized, noisy spaces with overcrowded agencies and cupboards that lead to mistakes. Files and papers spread over tables and desks give employees the feeling that they do not have enough material or tools in the office to stay on the right track. This can lead to employees feeling overtime because the office design does not match the needs of the organization.
Frustration and exhaustion: Spending so many hours a week in a poorly designed office layout can be annoying. Employees will feel frustrated because they cannot do their work well. This uncomfortable working environment can lead to headache and overall exhaustion.
Negative feelings: Feelings of irritation in the office can cause a culture with a low moral. This often happens when employees feel a loss of creativity due to poor office design. A low moral can lead to reduced productivity and job satisfaction among employees.
Distraction and broken connection: Communication is difficult in an office with an unfriendly layout. Employees can feel distracted or not feel connected to other colleagues or management if they cannot easily solve problems or ask questions when needed.
These consequences are sufficient to consider how you can improve the layout of your office, because there are always points for improvement. For example, keep specific project teams far from each other and have loud office machines or air units are some of the worst office designs for employees. This kind of nuisance makes it difficult for employees and managers to do their work and stay focused on the task.
5 common mistakes in office design
What is a poor workplace design? This includes common design errors that make the office a difficult, messy and busy space. Some common mistakes in the 2021 office design can be transformed to benefit everyone in the company. Here are some of the most common errors in office design that you can encounter at your own workplace.
5 common mistakes in office design
1. Assuming that trendy is best
Every company is different and has different needs. An office design that seems attractive does not necessarily work well on your office floor or in your building. Consider a few different designs, such as open office layouts and elements that you look best, and then create a unique concept. You do not have to follow the latest trends to find a design that works well for you and your employees. Instead, think about the type of work that you do daily and form your layout around it.
Do you give many presentations or do you often have guest speakers in your company? Does your meeting room or communal meeting rooms meet these needs and are employees safe? Is the reception open and hospitable for visitors? Is the lounge a relaxing, relaxing space for everyone to take a break and enjoy lunch? These are a few questions that you can ask yourself to better understand how you can tailor your new office design to your specific business requirements.
2. Ignore design for a special space
A layout that gets the job is not always the best if it is your goal to improve productivity, teamwork and communication. For example, if you place a meeting table and a few old chairs in a small room with artificial light, this is not enough for structural meetings. This logic also applies to the reception, lounge, cooperation and individual office spaces. The design of your space is more than painting the walls and adding a pot plant. A better office design takes all aspects of the working day into account and makes everyone more comfortable.
There must be enough space between tables, desks and chairs so that employees can walk around freely without bumping into furniture. The design of the office should also make it easy for employees to find a colleague or manager who must deliver a file or with which they have to communicate. There must be no hanging, confused cords and threads behind each desk and the height of tables and chairs must be measured for comfort. Design your spaces in the right way for the tasks that will be performed in those areas.
3. Collecting the natural light
Natural lighting is important in every building or every room because of the favorable properties for humans. Natural light in the workplace can ensure that employees feel more energetic, more energetic and happier, which leads to better performance. Natural sunlight also helps regulating the natural circadian rhythm of the body, or the sleep-watch schedule, so that employees remain productive and improve their mental health. Too much fluorescent, insufficient or artificial relief can lead to emotional instability, stress and fatigue. Try to use as much natural light as possible in your office design.
However, if your office floor or building does not have many windows, make sure that the natural light is in common areas such as pauper rooms or meeting rooms. The reason behind this is that many managers or managers often prefer a corner office with a large window and a beautiful view, while employees in the rest of the room have no natural light. This is an indication of a poor office layout. Prevent one or two people from sucking up the sunlight in your office.
Make sure that everyone has access to natural light and, if possible, is in sight of windows.
4. Ignore sound
You may not think that the acoustics in your office plays an important role in your design, but they can contribute to many problems. High noise levels can distract employees and make the general office space overwhelming and unorganized. This excessive sound can come from employees who talk to each other at high volume or loud office equipment that is constantly used. You can solve these problems with acoustic materials that help reduce noise levels and make it easier for everyone to concentrate.
Some of these materials can be rugs, panels, partitions and different types of upholstered furniture - which can help to minimize the sound. However, many people can feel more productive and calmer due to environment or background noise, so consider placing a small fountain or playing relaxing music in the new office. Some background noises can also make it easier for employees and managers to talk about private manners without projecting their voice or being tumbled.
How to avoid the common errors in office design?
Now that you have some of the defects that lead to poor workplace-outs, you can learn to avoid them and implement an intentional design. Consider how you can build your new layout to avoid common mistakes in the office design in 2022 and to give all employees energy and to inspire them. Here are some tips to avoid the five worst errors in office design.
Don't force it
Re -designing your office will not happen overnight - and that is not necessarily a bad thing. You must be patient when making changes to your layout and take the right steps to ensure that your choices benefit everyone. Consider designing your new office layout as an opportunity to create a truly coherent space that includes all areas.
For example, your reception and entrance must be just as important as the workplaces of your employees. Visitors, customers and potential new employees must feel welcome and satisfied from the moment they enter your office. The first impression is crucial, so adding comfortable reception chairs that match your style can make a big difference. No matter how you want to design your space, take the time to do well and view a manual for office design to help you make the right choices.
Office projects can vary in size and requirements. To prevent delays and disruptions, you can plan ahead with a list of people who are authorized to make decisions for the new design. At the start of the planning, consider holding a meeting with all employees to collect ideas and discuss new furniture options. Employees can give their input about chairs, tables and desks that they would like to see at the office, which makes ordering and installing these much easier.
This planning process is a great opportunity for cooperation and communication about how the common and personal spaces can be improved, making everyone feel more involved. By working together as a team, many problems can be tackled at the same time, so that you learn how to avoid poor office design and productivity barriers.
make room
If it is your goal to improve cooperation and designate specific teams, this does not mean that you have to place agencies next to each other. Giving every employee a little space to easily get in and out of his desk will certainly make their day less frustrating. This gives everyone a healthy amount of room to prevent the spread of germs and to prevent frustration among employees about the office layout.
In addition, make enough
Moreover, creating enough space around your office furniture and layout creates an environment that respects the needs of the employee to privacy and concentration. It would be difficult to fully concentrate on a challenging task or assignment if you were to sit next to a dozen other people in a loud room. Instead, adding private cabins to your office and adapted meeting tables can help to separate time for teamwork and individual work.
Appreciate the canteen
Because every space of your office is important, this means that your break space is no exception. Taking a break during your working day is essential for your mental health and well -being and helps you to reset your mind to increase involvement, creativity and productivity. If it's time for a break, everyone must have a comfortable, pleasant space to go. Many offices may offer a simple coffee station and think that their lounge is being cared for.
However, the break space must be a place where everyone can charge and break the long working day. That is why this space must be at a healthy distance from the busy working area to create a sense of separation. Your break space does not have to have many unnecessary facilities, but must have stylish and flexible furniture. You can contact your employees or team members and let them vote on which games, snacks and other fun items they would like to see.
You can also adjust your lounge space to the goals, philosophy and mission of your company in a creative way that makes ideas flow.